Oct 25, 2017
Ever work hard for something only to realize you don't want it anymore? Robin Arzon, a former corporate litigator, knew she needed a change and transformed herself into an ultra marathoner, cycler, best-selling author and one-woman fitness brand. She'll explain how she made the change -- and other crucial decisions --...
Oct 18, 2017
Matt Jozwiak is a chef by trade who knows the high quality ingredients left at the end of a restaurant dinner service often go to waste. It’s part of the reason he launched Rethink Food, a non-profit that transforms food that would otherwise be thrown away into delicious meals for hungry people. He'll tell us about...
Oct 11, 2017
Justin Schneider is an industrial designer who took the skills he honed designing athletic shoes for New Balance and Adidas to found Wolf & Shepherd, a line of performance dress shoes for men -- shoes that recently set an unofficial half marathon record at 1 hour 17 minutes. He’s also a decathlete who competed in...
Oct 4, 2017
"Courage is just fear that held on a minute longer." That's the philosophy for Lissa Young, a former army aviator and current West Point professor. Her courage has guided her through a wide ranging career that has included flying Chinook helicopters in the Denali mountains, helping build a rum distillery in...