Dec 25, 2019
Starting a business at any time can be scary but how about dropping out of school to start a business during the greatest recession in the history of the world? To make a move like that can be downright frightening. Alexa Von Tobel literally left Harvard Business School before graduating to pursue her mission to...
Dec 18, 2019
Jarrod Moses went from being a college intern at Grey Advertising to becoming its youngest president ever. He was a 30-year-old boss of a major publicly traded company, and regularly faced age discrimination because of it. But it didn’t stop him. He went on to found the United Entertainment Group—a joint venture...
Dec 11, 2019
Jake Schwartz started a company called General Assembly that just sold to the big human resource company Adecco Group for a reported 413 million dollars. After graduating from Yale and thinking he learned all he needed to to succeed in business, Schwartz got smacked in the face with reality. He realized education and...
Dec 4, 2019
Lesley Eccles is the co-founder and former head of marketing of FanDuel, the billion-dollar fantasy sports company. She started it with her husband Nigel in a tiny office in Scotland, and it went on to help change the law about sports betting across America. But despite the company’s success, Lesley and Nigel...